Friday, June 26, 2009

Rachel And Sydney (Krazzzzy chicks)

So i was looking at youtube at my favorite song like EVER and i found this Video of Rachel and Sydney,weird that i would fall onto this. you guys soooo rock and i love this video........... = ))) <3

Thursday, June 25, 2009

He Could Be The One

Yup he could be the one He's got something special,He's Awesome and Linds i'm stealing your quote"N makes my ice cream melt" hahaha.This song just reminded me of that.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Missionary Transfers!!!!!


Today was soooo Awesome,its sooo amazing to hear the testimonies of the righteous Young Men who chose to take two years out of their lives to serve their loving Heavenly Father.Today we took two missionary's up and we brought 4 back up

Elder Lee,Elder Olsen,Elder Twitchell,And Elder Neweyoputuoa (Yah i call him Elder N) lol

These Elders are the BOMB!!!!!! (but none of them can eat a double double from In&out with out spilling)They are soo out there they are not afraid to be themselves and they now how to be krazzy yet awesome all at once haha

*So i was singing Listen by beyonce because im practicing the song for a YW Talent show and Elder Lee knew the song ans started singing with me,and he sounded greattttttt like oooh dang he's a triple threat cute,plays the piano/sing and he's mormon.Anywayyyy we had a great time and im excited to have lessons with my friend and to get to kno them a lil bit better, Sher got paired with Van Wagoner who is wayyy awesome to he used to be in our ward,he cried when he left Barstow (yah our ward does that).and Chall said he's gonna miss Linds and thatshe is pretty funny and cute = ))))) awwwwwww! Linds he does make your ice-cream melt.
xoxo k3!sh@

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Awesome song

Here check this song out to its Amazing its called Te Amo originally by James faunteloy(i dont kno how to spell it) watever its great,this version she is singing iit
This link james is singing it

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

You'll be Loved

Dustin Martin

You were a loved friend,brother,uncle,boyfriend,and child of god.

I will continue to love you like a brother,Heavenly Father loves you.

The person responsible will be taken care of whether it be here on earth or in heaven.
You will be missed it has been a great 17 years
xoxo keisha

Monday, June 15, 2009

You + Me!!!

You + Me Justin Bieger
I <3>
And you will be wat people call a "Triple Threat" Your hawt you can sing and you an play piano ahhhhhhhhhh
Marry Me!!!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I went to the dance last night in Apple Valley i walked in the door was getting jiggy with it and guess who shows up to rub stuff in my face MITCH! My friends go up to him and say wat you did to keisha Jacked jacked up Sher.oooh BURN!So he goes im sorry but you kno u still love i still love you! awwww dang it all is forgiven once more.However here comes the scary part i got home bacck from APV we come around the corner,Cops are evrywhere yellow tape all around my house and all the houses in my block sum1 has been shot and killed.we live in such a great neighborhood OMHeck so im freaking out there are cops in my house questioning my parents asking them if they saw anything we still don't know all the deets. i barely slept cops were all sround shining brights in my room till 4 am.Absolutly the scariest night in my life

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

sChOoL's oUt fOr tHe sUmMeR!!!!!!

Schools Out

That makes me soooo happy.This summer is going to be GREAT we are going to Utah

(Home of the Mormon)

I get to go to EFY for the first time in Redlands CA,I'm soo excited so many doors have opened up for me this year being 14 has been greatt!I hav been able to go to dances,Mormon dances the BEST thing ever!!!! especially since i was homeskooled my freshman year i have had the oppurtunity to take misssionaries to transfers,feed the hungry for a service project,wrap gifts for orphans and other little things to help out. I also had the chance of becoming a little missionary myself by bringing my friend Tiffany to church, who would like to be baptized however her auntie will not allow it untill she has waited awhile. Oh by the way she has been coming to church for a yr and a half,wat else does she need to wait for????? GIRLS camp is coming July 7-11 than i 'm home for a week and its EFY time or better yet FLIRTING time yess!!!! tons of hawt same standard mormon boiis will be in my presence.(i will be taking advantage of that) the best thing tho by far s that i get to take my best friend with me efy will be a great expeirence for her.


I <3>
Is it not sooo cool how all my activities are pretty much based on the church where would i be w/o our krazy EXTREMELY AwESOME cHurch!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lovely day

Today was a great day filled with laughs and Happiness.I'm trying to get over my fears and follow the the nike slogan "Just do it".I need to learn to talk to guys w/o ssssttuutering,i'm not one for feeling awkward.It is what it is,and its apart of life well i hope i do get to see him after his mission and hey you never know what might happen or what won't

Monday, June 8, 2009

mIsSiOnArIeS!!!aka popo for god Don't tell them anything regarding other certain wayy cute missionaries

Missionaries georgeous beings or blabber mouths
So i was talking to a Missionary today,yes sherwoodand he sends me an email back saying"Hey i'm sitting next to your loverboy right now" No joke he said it at first i was oh watever hi Newey no biggie right? No Wrong!!!! he tells me he def knows i like him and.....that he told him i was planning on marrying him!! Woahhhh baby, Now anyone that knows me would probably tell you that on occasion im boyy krazzzy.(What do you exppect i live in basrtow where the population of mormon boys is 2 who are both graduating)So i write back saying you did not tell him that did you?He writes back and says "no im forrrr reealll".Great thats embarrasing so i tell him i'm soo mad at you.(and for all his friends his response won't surprise you Mr.Cocky says"no ur not u kno u love me)Which is im like watever im i get one last email saying"I think that you and newey would be perfect for each other. would your babies be black or white?" yup uh-huh he asked.Well thats a question i should'nt answer but i did mixed baby/cute and very good hair
So yah that was my expierence today very interesting and yet i'm pretty sure there are gonna be alot of missionaries laughing at me = (

Friday, June 5, 2009

I wAnNa kNoW yOu!!!!!

So there is this boii............. and i'm TOTALLY and COMPLETLY in love with him

  1. He's Mormon (always a plus)
  2. He's cute
  3. We can hold a conversation
  4. When I look @ him my heart beats 6x faster and it seems like everything and everybody dissapears
  5. Could you possibly,maybe feel the same way?!?!?!?!
  6. And when you gave me a Rose for Valentines day my heart nearly dropped out of my stomach!!!
  7. I thought this song went perfectly with how I feel

Monday, June 1, 2009

Prop 8& and other cool stuff

okay so I am all for prop 8 but... i have inactive family members who don't like me for that. My sis Cat wrote a lot of "Blahrgna" about it so this is how i replied to her

"okay Cat i ♥ you i do but i as well have my own opinions on this matter.MORMONS yes we had a lot to do with prop 8 but.. are you forgetting that there were many other churches involved a LEADING one were the catholics.everyone needs to stop putting the blame on us.i have gay bi friends watever i ♥ them just like i ♥ my other friends.You say we ... Read Moreput hte on the gays and bi community but... what do you call it when they put hate on us for thinking what we think.Mrs california LOST the crown we all knew was hers because she answered honestly and that guy had NO right what so ever to bash her and her family for that.No one ever said god does'nt love homo's God ♥ 's all his children,he just does'nt like the choices we sometimes make.I ♥ all my friends the same no matter what orientation they are but i still stand strong next to PROP 8!!!I respect your oponions and i hope you respect my mine but no one can change my mind.i stand strong next to my religion and i know i'm doing the right thing."

You guys think that was to harsh i hope not but i really want her to now where i am coming from.

I got a brand new utahnian dress its wayy pretty,new pumps that match it perfectly and i got my nails did for the very First time.I looked really nice and got lots of compliments on it.