Monday, June 8, 2009

mIsSiOnArIeS!!!aka popo for god Don't tell them anything regarding other certain wayy cute missionaries

Missionaries georgeous beings or blabber mouths
So i was talking to a Missionary today,yes sherwoodand he sends me an email back saying"Hey i'm sitting next to your loverboy right now" No joke he said it at first i was oh watever hi Newey no biggie right? No Wrong!!!! he tells me he def knows i like him and.....that he told him i was planning on marrying him!! Woahhhh baby, Now anyone that knows me would probably tell you that on occasion im boyy krazzzy.(What do you exppect i live in basrtow where the population of mormon boys is 2 who are both graduating)So i write back saying you did not tell him that did you?He writes back and says "no im forrrr reealll".Great thats embarrasing so i tell him i'm soo mad at you.(and for all his friends his response won't surprise you Mr.Cocky says"no ur not u kno u love me)Which is im like watever im i get one last email saying"I think that you and newey would be perfect for each other. would your babies be black or white?" yup uh-huh he asked.Well thats a question i should'nt answer but i did mixed baby/cute and very good hair
So yah that was my expierence today very interesting and yet i'm pretty sure there are gonna be alot of missionaries laughing at me = (


  1. That was sooo Embarrasing!! Sherwood i still forgive you!!!lotsa <3 muahhh

  2. nah, they won't be laughing at you, they like the attention lol You need to play hard to get w/ newey though, seems like he's one for games, tell mitch i told you to ask him for 'game' tips k? Mitch is a player. I can see through it a mile out though. lol great story though keisha, doesn't that relieve the pressure though? now that you know he knows?

  3. yah i try the "hard to get"thing i think it worked cuz he seemed all mad at me because i did'nt seem interested.but i kno he was flirting because he always trying to seem all buff and strong around me and grabbing my shoulders and touching my hair(kinda creepy)but cute haha but now that he knows im gonna get shy around him.
