Wednesday, June 10, 2009

sChOoL's oUt fOr tHe sUmMeR!!!!!!

Schools Out

That makes me soooo happy.This summer is going to be GREAT we are going to Utah

(Home of the Mormon)

I get to go to EFY for the first time in Redlands CA,I'm soo excited so many doors have opened up for me this year being 14 has been greatt!I hav been able to go to dances,Mormon dances the BEST thing ever!!!! especially since i was homeskooled my freshman year i have had the oppurtunity to take misssionaries to transfers,feed the hungry for a service project,wrap gifts for orphans and other little things to help out. I also had the chance of becoming a little missionary myself by bringing my friend Tiffany to church, who would like to be baptized however her auntie will not allow it untill she has waited awhile. Oh by the way she has been coming to church for a yr and a half,wat else does she need to wait for????? GIRLS camp is coming July 7-11 than i 'm home for a week and its EFY time or better yet FLIRTING time yess!!!! tons of hawt same standard mormon boiis will be in my presence.(i will be taking advantage of that) the best thing tho by far s that i get to take my best friend with me efy will be a great expeirence for her.


I <3>
Is it not sooo cool how all my activities are pretty much based on the church where would i be w/o our krazy EXTREMELY AwESOME cHurch!!