Monday, June 1, 2009

Prop 8& and other cool stuff

okay so I am all for prop 8 but... i have inactive family members who don't like me for that. My sis Cat wrote a lot of "Blahrgna" about it so this is how i replied to her

"okay Cat i ♥ you i do but i as well have my own opinions on this matter.MORMONS yes we had a lot to do with prop 8 but.. are you forgetting that there were many other churches involved a LEADING one were the catholics.everyone needs to stop putting the blame on us.i have gay bi friends watever i ♥ them just like i ♥ my other friends.You say we ... Read Moreput hte on the gays and bi community but... what do you call it when they put hate on us for thinking what we think.Mrs california LOST the crown we all knew was hers because she answered honestly and that guy had NO right what so ever to bash her and her family for that.No one ever said god does'nt love homo's God ♥ 's all his children,he just does'nt like the choices we sometimes make.I ♥ all my friends the same no matter what orientation they are but i still stand strong next to PROP 8!!!I respect your oponions and i hope you respect my mine but no one can change my mind.i stand strong next to my religion and i know i'm doing the right thing."

You guys think that was to harsh i hope not but i really want her to now where i am coming from.

I got a brand new utahnian dress its wayy pretty,new pumps that match it perfectly and i got my nails did for the very First time.I looked really nice and got lots of compliments on it.


  1. is that your utahian dress in the picture? it's pretty! wise response to your sister keisha, that was a huge debate goin on, the church was a huuuuuge player in prop8 and took a lot of heat for it, but in today's world all we can do is what we know is right, expect flack from it, but brush it off. It doesn't matter what other people say in the end

  2. Way to stand up for yourself! It's so true. We love everyone & we would never want to make anyone feel bad about themselves, but if a prophet has asked us to support something, we need to follow it. You go girl! that's a tough thing to do, especially to family members.

  3. Thanks you guys.
    It was REALLY hard for me to tell her that,but I know my heavenly Father has a plan for us all and one of the most important things we need to do is follow the commandments.
    Br.Monson has told us to support this cause so thats what im gonna have to do no matter how much people dissagree.
